To-Do Tattoos

Click to get ToDo Tattoos Item ID: #15323
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Are you the sort of person who scribbles personal reminders on your hand? Are you the sort of person who's always searching for a scrap of paper to jot down phone numbers? Are you the sort of person who hates being asked pointless questions by e-commerce websites? If you answered YES to the first two questions, then this product is for you! TO-DO TATTOOS are handy (literally) tattoos that put a perfect to-do list on the palm of your hand. Each package contains 12 To-Do Tattoos. You also get a special pen filled with skin-safe, washable ink! To-Do Tattoos are really funny and, in their own stupid way, kind of practical. Dads can use them when they buy groceries. Moms can use them when they buy building supplies at Home Depot. Ad copywriters can use them when they write non-sexist product descriptions!

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