Number "Two" Pencil

Click to get Number Two Pencil Item ID: #15556
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Number Two Pencils are the most used Pencils of all. They get all the hardest jobs done in a scratch. Jobs like mechanized testing, love letters, breakup letters, essays, note-to-self's, architectural drawings, and word searches. All of these can be done whilst making a Number Two. So naturally, the pencil was dubbed a "Number Two Pencil" upon it's creation. We made sure you get a Number Two Pencil in all it's glory. The bouncy, rubber "Number Two" on the end of the Pencil can be removed to access the eraser. But who would ever want to remove that glorious pile? You can sharpen the tip as you would any other Pencil. Get your papers ready to be smeared with some good, ol' fashioned graphite and a lot of poop. You really know how to make us laugh so send us a letter written with your Number Two Pencil and we'll make sure to flush.

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